NEWS 2023
Another year has come to end, and with it a lot of ups and downs. Mostly we have had a great year, and I am so proud of all the achievements! Once more I have to give a big shout out to all my puppy owners - without you nothing would have been possible. Remembering those who left too soon, and all the lessons that came. From all of the health testing, all of the training and traveling and all of the titles - thank you!
Iztaris Aurora Borealis - 24Hr EKG DCM Clear Iztaris Capax Dei - Finnish Junior CH, RTK1
Iztaris Anvindr -24Hr EKG DCM Clear Iztaris Cirth Ithil - MH,Danish Junior CH, Int.JR CH, KBHJV 23
Iztaris Armaros -24Hr EKG DCM Clear Iztaris Catori - 1 CAC Norway, SAR training
Iztaris Chiraz -2 CAC Norway Iztaris Cirth Niniac - MH
Iztaris Chertan - MH Iztaris Cirdan - MH
Iztaris Cor Unum - MH Iztaris Charil - NKK Bronce obedience
And the one who made it all possible - the grand old lady : Newfords Keep Talking
24Hr EKG DCM Clear
NKK Korung passed
Happy news from Finland today, as Anniina & Odin attended yet another rally obedience competition!
Their 3`rd place out of 10 in beginners class with 86/100 points, came with a new title for the young boy: RTK 1
Congratulations again, Anniina - I am a very happy and proud breeder.
If only every dog could have such a great home!
FinJr CH RTK 1 Iztaris Capax Dei
I am sure the number of letters will be greater still ;-)

Since last, we have sent in the paperwork for my youngest female for her C.I.B-J title, and the mail is checked everyday..! haha
Vilje`s C.I.B-V title took very little time, just 3 months. So fingers crossed that Sansa`s title is registered before christmas!
The C litter gang has been here and attended their MH test. All but 2 dogs managed to take the long journey to Bergen, and I am very grateful for such super puppy owners!
Again a huge THANK YOU, for helping me to assess my breeding and thus helping in mapping out the road ahead. Out of the 6 dogs, 5 passed their MH.
Tests like these clearly show what owners have done what, in the everyday training of their dogs.
The importance of playing with the dogs, and having good recall is two things.
One male from the C litter has now payed the ultimate price for his owners having zero control and calm, understanding leadership. Iztaris Chiraz was PTS due to no fault of his own a week ago.
It is a hard reminder that gut instinct should always be followed.
I am sorry they could not even give you a week little one. Two great homes was waiting, we only needed to get organized.
As the C litter is growing up, the time for more health testing is due. Two more have had their hips and elbows x-rayed, and the results are in:
Iztaris Catori HD B/C
AD 0/0
Iztaris Chertan HD B/B
AD 0/0
Once more, I can not state enough how happy I am, having so many owners who gets their dogs tested! Potential breeding material or not - the more dogs we test, the more we know.
Soon the time is in for their annual 24Hr EKG to start, and the first one out will probably be my own female.
Another month - another update! And what an update I have!
I am still on cloud 9 writing this, and still tired from all the miles driving. Once more, the journey went to Denmark - to the annual Copenhagen winner show. It has become somewhat of a tradision for us, and this year it was certainly worth the drive!
My young girl Sansa was entered 2 days. On day 1 she was the only junior female with CQ, and thus she gained her junior winner title and topped it of with her last Jr CAC and Jr CACIB!
Gaining 2 new titles: KBHJV 23 and DKjrCH. On day 2, we went to the beach instead - such a great way to celebrate.
My old girl Vilje was only entered 1 day, as this was the only official FCI aproved title I wanted. And she did not disapoint.
She claimed her second veteran winner title of KBHVV.
My Mama Brooown.

Another month has just flown by, with both ups and downs. The hardest is the news of Arya being put to sleep. The seizures came too close, and with more medication the prospect of an active life simply was not there.
So the decision was made to let her sleep - in the end we have to do what is best for the dogs.
We have also been to a few shows - again we have travelled abroad, and our young female Sansa has yet another junior CAC & CACIB to her name. She topped the last show getting BEST OF BREED and sliding into the top 10 breed winner in Denmark!
From the A & B litter gang, the news are status quo - everyone is happy and healthy, and a few of their pages are updated with some new pictures.
Also from the C litter gang I have recieved many pictures and videos, and I love it - some of them are also here on their pages.
The time for their MH test is closing in rapidly, and I am happy to say that everyone has confirmed that they will be testing their dog. This will be the largest group I have had tested from the same combination and I am much looking forward to meeting up with them and their owners!
As the weeks and months have passed by, the time for updating online is not always there.
Since last, my old girl Vilje has had yet another few titles to her name:
Norwegian & Nordic Veteran Winner 2023.
Following once more in her fathers footprints, who claimed these titles with his sister Gina in 2014.
Th C litter is growing up, a few of them have been in the showring and the colours vary - what is evident though, is that this litter needs time to mature and build, so they can keep up with their long legs! haha
Being a breeder is easy when everything is OK. It is the hard times that shows one`s true colours and I firmly belive in two things; Knowledge is power, and honesty is the best policy.
And hard times it is indeed. My little silver collar girl, that moved several times before finding her Forever home, has had a few episodes. It started a few weeks ago with just the one, under a minute. Both me and her owner has wished for it to be just the one, and the vetrinarians have found nothing - wich is normal with idiopatic epilepsy.
The suspicion that this is what it is, grew strong after Arya had several more episodes in the span of a day and a half.
She is now on medication and (knock on wood) no more episodes so far, and hopefully she will still enjoy the active life she has found in Elin and her family.
And what a weekend! Ourselves, we took the 16 hour drive to Bornholm, where Vilje proceeded to claim her Danish veteran CH title and two more veteran winner titles.
She was 2BB both days, and I am so very proud of her!
Her granddaughter also did very well, winning the junior class saturday and thus getting her first Danish JR CAC, and
her second JR CACIB placing right behind her grandmother as 3`rd best female.
The judge sunday did not like any of the juniors, so a VG1 for her. But back in Norway, her brother Torrent took his second CAC and BEST OF BREED! Congratulations again to his owners!
Since last update, a few of my C litter puppies have been in the show ring and I can NOT complain about the results!
Iztaris Cirth Ithil: 2 x CAC
Iztaris Catori : 1 x CAC
Iztaris Capax Dei: 3 x JR CAC
2 x CAC
Capax Dei is not only the FIRST from my kennel, but he is the FIRST Norwegian bred dobermann to claim the Finnish JR Champion title!
Congratulations, and well done guys! I am a very proud breeder!

BEST IN SHOW 3 Veteran
It has been a busy month for us, with several shows and lots of other stuff. The absolute highlights though, have been my old girl - she and I are having a blast in veteran class!
After taking her C.I.B-V title as the first dobermann in the Nordic countries, she is the very first Norwegian veteran CH in the breed!
And to top it off, she placed BIS 3 veteran at NKK Bergen!
Had it not been for the ears, my smile would go all the way around my head.
Also our Danish CH title is confirmed.
This weekend at NKK Bergen, we also met up with one of the C litter males - Iztaris Chiraz. My dark green collar male may be a bit bigger since last I met him, but he is just as sweet and gentle. His owners are doing a good job, and are managing the terrible teens quite well.
Some new pictures of him are on his own page HERE.
Another year, another test as I usually say. This time it was my grand old lady - mother and grandmother to them all.
Newfords Keep Talking. At 9 years of age, this was her 7`th time to get tested, and I am VERY happy to report that she is still DCM CLEAR.
0 VPC`s and with an average heartbeat a much younger dog could envy her. For the complete report, please visit her own page HERE

And what a holiday! We travelled to our good friend Kristine in Denmark, and took a few shows as well. First one out was in Nykøping, and for a strict judge, my old girl took it all. Best of breed, Nordic CAC and Danish CAC.
This made her Danish CH on the day! We then spent the night at a lovely hotel before crossing the bridge to Sweden for the Malmø INT show.
Our young girl Sansa, started it off by winning her junior class, earning herself her first JR CACIB!
Vilje then proceeded to collect her crowning veteran CACIB and is now the very first dobermann in the Nordic countries to claim the C.I.B-V title !!
Congratulations to C litter daddy Tyson, who won best male and earned himself a new title as well. C.I.B - huge congrats to his owners and breeder!
Still on cloud 9, the journey home a few days later has been very easy!
Last month a few of us decided to enter a local working trial. I decided to only enter Vilje, as my competition nerves are terrible and one at a time is enough. This trial is a two-part one, with obedience first and if the points are high enough one can continue on to the tracking part at the end. With freezing temperatures and plenty of snow, training has been minimal. Yesterday the weather decided it was near summer however, and despite me nearly throwing the dumbell backwards, we passed!
Having the best track of the day, I am very proud of my old girl.
Newfords Keep Talking. Now with her Working Certificate.
Better late then never! haha

Today the results came for yet another annual round of our heart testing. This time is was one of my A litter females, and like previous years, she is still currently DCM CLEAR !
I am very grateful for my owners, who help me in getting their dogs tested every year.
For the report, please click in on Zula`s own page HERE

This weekend, another two from my C litter has had their debut in the official classes.
And a nice debut it has been! Iztaris Chiraz was only entered yesterday, and pulled of EX1 CK CERT & BEST OF BREED!
His sister, Iztaris Catori was entered both days, and with nice critiques she was graded EX both days. She just needs some more showtraining to get the top honours. Either way, I am very proud of them both and could not be more happy to have my puppies in such great homes!
Today our young male, Iztaris Capax Dei has attended his very first official show.
Being the youngest male there, he did most exellent, and with a very nice critique he collected his first EX CK Res.JR.CAC & 3`rd best male!
We were also entered for this show, but terrible weather and a half broken car made us stay at home.
Thankfully Kristine & Helena made this possible, and we are looking forward to the next shows on the calendar!

Round two of our annual EKG heart testing is done. The next one out of the pack, was my own male Marco. And like previous years, he is currently still DCM clear.
For the report, please visit his own page HERE
As the new year is starting, so are our annual 24HR EKG heart testing. This year I once again started with my A litter girl, as she now have progeny.
I am very happy to share that once more she is currently DCM clear - this test was the best one yet, actually!
For the report, please visit her own page HERE