NEWS 2018
Another weekend away for us, this time only 3 hours away from home...haha!
The two brothers, Marco & Diesel still needs a LOT of ringtraining, as the terrible teens do them great injustice - they both have zero time to trot - it is much more fun to play rodeo horses, and so they were graded EX and VG for smiling judges. Nikki however, is really liking this show thing and she stacks & trots like a pro!
She now has 2 CAC in Norway, and needs only one more after she is 2 years old to complete her CH title.
To top it off this time, she was BEST IN SHOW 3 out of all the juniors on the show! And I stopped counting at 36 in the pre-judging ring, as I did not want to know how many we were up against after that..haha!
Love this girl so so much.
She is for me such a complete little dog
- a happy, outgoing beautiful soul.

There and back again
Another adventure is done and dusted! Nearly 6000km and 5 days, to try our luck in the showring, and to have some fun. The Romanian Kennel Club is great at arranging good shows and I have always wanted to travel to this beautiful country.
Then late one evening, Nora decided this was going to be this years adventure and I guess she was just as supriced as myself, when I actually started enterring the dogs!
And it really has been an adventure we will remember for years to come.
We have met some great new friends, we have seen things and places we otherwise never would have seen - some things we could have done without, and we have some new letters for the dog`s names that we would not have if not for this crazy journey.
So thank you again Nora, for undertaking this adventure with me!
And as for the dogs? Well, my two siblings did the double, and can now be known as:
My girl Vilje also did great, she took 4 out of the 6 CAC`s avaliable to her and to top it of she was
BEST OF BREED for a judge I hold in high regards. Mr A. Kazmiersky gave her father BOB and his first title of KBHV 07 - he is a strict but fair judge, and Vilje`s win for him was for me something special.
My black girl Nikki, took 2 junior CAC`s and her brother 1 junior CAC. Sadly at the last show they were too young for the CACIB´s.
Nora`s girl Zula (yellow collar female here) also took her 3 first EXELLENT gradings, moving and stacking beautifully against the C/D dogs we had as competition.
Congratulations on your beautiful young girl, Nora. I am looking forward to see her mature!

Still smiling, when writing this. The A litter gang is 9 months old now, and this means for the showrings they are juniors. We have been away for our first weekend, and what a flying start! My pink girl, the first born and the one who stole my heart was best female, the only one graded exellent with CQ and thus gaining her first Norwegian CAC!
We were beaten for BEST OF BREED by an older halfbrother who managed to trot the whole last round..haha!
Marco this time was still too unfinished for the judges and was graded VG. He will mature soon enough, the little rascal.
Atleast we managed to snap some very nice pictures!
Thank you as always, for a great time Nora, and thanks to Emilie & Yrjan for accepting 3 dogs more, and being such great losers at HINT! LOL ;-)
Today marked the end of the A litters puppy career in the showring, and what a nice way to finish! Another BEST OF BREED puppy to the lovely girl, Iztaris Aurora Borealis. In a few days the gang is 9 months old, and thus begins their official careers both in the ring and on the workingfield. The girls are in their first heat, and the boys are doing some owners heads in - puberty has hit home, and I for one am just trying to steer through it...haha!
But for now I can look back with a smile as between them the 4 of the litter that has been in the showring, has collected:
2 x BIG 2
3 x BIG 3
2 X BIG 4
I am grateful again, for all my puppybuyers - you are giving my babies first and foremost their forever homes but I am happy to follow all the training you guys are putting in your dogs, and I am looking much forward to the results I know will come of it.

Some lovely news ticked in today, as Nora & her female Zula (Iztaris Aurora Borealis) attended a show in Sandefjord. With a nice critique from the judge, they got the BEST OF BREED rosette and then proceeded to place 3`rd in the group!
I am very happy for them, and proud of the qualities I see in the A litter gang.
So far both my Nikki & sister Zula has started their first heat - luckily for me, mum Vilje has also started so here at home it is syncronized from the start.
But - congratulations again, Nora! Wooop wooooop ! First group placing, but not the last one I am sure.

As the weather was so nice today, I decided at the spur of the moment, that it would be nice to take a city trip with the pupsters. I called a friend, and she was happy to tag along. We also met up with Camilla, whom I haven`t seen in years.
I have been very busy with exams at school, so the dogs have been a bit overlooked lately, so a trip to the city was just what we needed, the city was packed full with people, all enjoying the sun. We had hours of fun and met some very nice people who gave lots of praise to the siblings - nice, happy and outgoing friendly dogs.
Just what we want. Thanks Bente & Camilla for some nice hours !

Today the A litter gang is 6 months, and I can`t believe how the time goes by. My own boy is already the same weight as his mum, and nearly her height too. Having two puppies at the same time is not always easy - they need to be reminded that the house is not their Texas playground, and training two youngsters can be quite the challenge!
Nikki is high and low - an energy bomb like no other, and it shows in her vetrinary bills..haha! So far she has been lucky to only have injuries that has healed very fast. But keeping a pup on leash and somewhat calm for 2 weeks...? Well, lets just say I now have a few more grey hairs.
We have since last been to yet another double round of shows, and again with the very best of results!
Nikki winning another BEST OF BREED and she has placed in the group every single time - another BIG 4 for her! I am so proud, as this time it was for a breed specialist. He judged the breed the day after, and swapped the siblings, making Marco BEST OF BREED. Sadly I could not attend the group that day as my back is causing trouble after an old injury that will never truly heal I am afraid.
But also this weekend away, we found an amazing spot to walk around, with some nice houses maybe for future movingplans - I am very exited, and hope to finish school with the results that make for this to be possible. I love our forest here, but too many people seem to have found it as well, much to my dislike...haha!

This weekend I was finally able to cross the mountains, and visit some of my A litter puppies.
At 5 months old now, they are showing much promise for the future - happy, outgoing and confident young dogs with owners who are doing the very best for them.
Turqoise male, aka`Diesel, graduated his second class while I was there - this time learning scentwork and doing so very well. Congrats to owners, Raymond & Hanne - you are doing a fab job with the black beast!
Yellow girl - Zula, accompanied us to a double show and we enjoyed some nice hours around the showring with her owner, Nora.
As always in great company, the hours fly by and inbetween all the cathcing up we managed some nice showresults as well:
Iztaris Anvindr BEST OF BREED puppy X 2
Iztaris Armaros BEST OPOSITE SEX puppy X 2
Iztaris Aurora Borealis 2BF HP
In the groups, my lovely young girl placed both days as well - BIG 3 and BIG 4.
We also managed to snap some pictures of the gang. A huge thank you Nora, for another great weekend, and for the pictures!
Also big thanks to Raymond & family for taking care of Vilje, pampering and spoiling her while we were off to the shows. I am sure Diesel will follow in her footsteps, as he is very much like his mother and grandfather - the same high energy combined with lots of humour that gives the owner some grey hairs, but really makes for the very best dogs in the end.

As we do not have many local shows, I always try to attend the annual one at Manger.
Just for the fun of it, I enterred not only the puppies this time, but also mum Vilje.
I have never been under the judge before and it is always nice to get an opinion from someone new. This time the judge was Mr. Guy Jeavons from Ireland, and he really liked my young boy.
Marco walked away with BEST OF BREED puppy, beating his sister this time, who did not want to do anything in the ring but play...haha!
Waiting for the finals was worth it, as Marco repeated what his sister did on our last show - he was BIG 2 puppy!
In the adult finals, Vilje showed very well - she is such a pleasure to show, always smiling never putting a foot wrong. In a large group, we did not place this time but I am happy with the nice critique she got, on her first show after her maternity leave.

I am still over the moon, writing this - and smiling by the possibility that I may get to write news like this many times over.
The A litter has turned 4 months old, and 4 of them has hit the showrings. And what a start!
Yesterday I took my own two puppies for their debut at a rather local show - for me this place is somewhat special, as it was there I first started out with my man Diezel - the grandfather of the A litter.
And they sure showed that they can fill his shoes!
Iztaris Armaros - BEST OPOSITE SEX. With a wonderful critique, and smiles from the judge he was beaten by his sister at the finishline. And what a finish!
Iztaris Anvindr - BEST OF BREED and 2 BEST OF GROUP. Imagine that - the pink girl who stole my heart at a minute old, now has grown into the beautiful young girl I dreamed of.
And to top the weekend of, their sister Iztaris Aurora Borealis, also enterred the ring today and topped it of by getting yet another BEST OF BREED for the A litter.
Congratulations Nora, on your most promising little girl ! I am so proud of your great job with Zula and I truly enjoy following your journey together.

Very proud breeder today, as my puppies are 4 months old - and two of them has been on their very first show on the very same day they have been old enough to attend.
Iztaris Argonath, who was turqoise male here with me, went all the way and got BEST OF BREED puppy!
His sister, as the youngest of the females did a great job and got much praise for her lovely temperament, just like her brother. But today she was still a bit unfinished for the Swedish judge. However, at 4 months old - if that is all they can pick on - her show career looks much promising..! haha!
Thank you Nora, for showing Argonath today!
I am looking forward to follow you and Zula as the puppies grow and develop. I am certain the future is bright!

I am happy to announce that my young boy, Ace of Spades, has a lovely new home. He left a few days ago, and the reports are nothing but positive. He is now in a small family of 3, and will be enjoying the outdoors and obedience training. His owners may be new to dobermann, but not to dogs and I am confident that this is the right home for my boy.
As with all the other puppy owners, I will be keeping in contact and I am looking forward to follow my boy on his new adventures. And again I am reminded of how lucky I have been with getting owners to all of my babies - I am getting pictures and updates from all of them on a regular basis, and it really makes my day!
Below is (from left to right): Argonath, Artic Storm and Aurora Borealis